Hey fellow fretters,

I just thought I'd introduce myself over here. Quick Background thingy. I'm from wilmington, nc and I've been playing guitar for right about 7 or so years. Most of my musical influence has come from the church because my dad is the music leader (worship pastor) at my church. I am actually at Liberty University right now in what is called the worship major learning all the theory and background while developing my musical abilities. Basically I'm not one to settle for the typically uneducated church music we are used to, and what I was primarily brought up on, so I'm seeking to change that.

Musically I am just now getting to the point where I feel I can truly benefit from a good setup. At this point I have a Taylor 714ce which i love to death and have recently gotten a Fender Highway One Tele and a Fender Deluxe amp. Now I'm kind of looking down the road at effects and really getting a good pedal board set up that I hopefully won't have to fiddle with too too much (pretty much the reason I joined this forum).

All in all I hope I can learn a lot from the massive amount of experience in all of you.
