I've owned this old strat for quite a while, it was my first electric. Lately it doesn't get played, mostly because my Jackson soloist is pretty much my dream guitar (have yet to find something better feeling). However, it is my first electric and I don't want to sell it. I've been contemplating some pretty heavy modifications to it to make it something I would play more often. What I'm dreaming up is something with an HSH pickup combo, or HSS (with a stacked humbucker in the neck, so I guess thats technically still HSH...). Also, I would like to either add a Floyd or a Kahler bridge. I'm contemplating the Kahler because it requires less routing, but I believe you can top mount a floyd and shim the neck to achieve good action, just won't allow lots of pullup room on the bar.

I'm looking for pickups that will allow me to have some versatility. Something I can shred on, but still has good clean and bluesy tones, not necessaily looking for lots of distortion, thats why I have the jacksons . I was thinking about a duncan Cool Rails (stacked humbucker in a single coil size) in the neck and a Pearly Gates in the bridge.

Anyone out there modified anything this heavily? If so, are there any people who have added Floyds or Kahlers to strats that could advise on how much of a pain this will be? Also, good pickups combos would be appreciated as well.