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View Full Version : Sold one of my guitars; downsizing

July 4th, 2007, 12:56 PM
I recently sold my red partscaster Strat, a fine instrument than got very little play, due to the fact that I have 6 more electrics.

I find myself in a phase of downsizing and thinking of cutting down to perhaps 3 or 4 electrics, each one configured exactly the way I want them.

Thinking of getting another amp too, mainly for live gigs.

Have you gone through such serious re-organizations of your gear? What are your thoughts? I must admit there is an element of melancholy in having to part with a guitar, in order to be able to "love" the remaining ones more... :o

July 4th, 2007, 01:26 PM
Couldn't say--I'm still in expansion mode!! :D

July 4th, 2007, 01:49 PM
I am also in expansion mode, and I feel a bit guilty for that...

Instead of trying to improve my playing, or discover new phrases etc, I have a constant need of gaining more gear...

Also I feel a little guilty when I leave most of my guitars for a long time unplayed, because I stick with one of them (mostly my main strat...)

July 4th, 2007, 02:15 PM
GAS VS Guilt ? As long as the bills get payed its just a matter of personal need

But I suppose they could start a guitars anonymous I my self only have eleven guitars and two amps. looks like I need more amps :):):)

Brian Krashpad
July 5th, 2007, 05:55 AM
I've been in an expansion mode for since before the turn of the century. At 19 electric guitars, a couple basses, and a couple acoustics, I'm running out of room.

I'm selling off a little bit. My rhythm guitarist in my main band is buying my spare 4x12 cab off me, and an acquaintance (who purchased a different guitar from me a few years ago) has dibs on a DeArmond M-72 I'm selling.

Between the two, I've got $550 coming in, which should help in the upcoming celebration of our twentieth anniversary (the anniversary actually occurred in May but we were broke at the time), hopefully a short cruise this Fall.