I have been schooled!!
Sorry I misspoke.... I was referring to the Super Reverb. Great amp! I was fortunate enough to play a Telecaster deluxe through one back at the beginning of December. But "mucho dinero". And I had just read the post in this thread http://www.thefret.net/showthread.ph...-Thread/page10
1964 Super Reverb(s). A bit pricey, but holy crap - this is tone to die for: http://greenville.craigslist.org/msg/3549403083.html
and made me wonder if anyone would ever carry one outside of the house.

No really... Been to plenty of big shows with small amps. Love the Eagles setup. I mic my Classic 30 because the tone way outweighs any tone from a SS (of course they have their place too) And I am now incorporating my Transtube 112(Until I get the 212. Why do I feel like I'm rambling.